How to Resist Temptation

Temptations come in many forms. It may come in the form of something severe such as sexual-related sins, violence, or the excessive intake of alcoholic beverages; or it may come in the form of something small and seemingly insignificant like laziness, insecurity, or pride. Whatever it may be, one thing is for sure: all of these temptations can lead us to sin. If we give in to these, then we may be sinning and tarnishing the Christ-centered potential within us. We are all sinners, but we must learn that through God and our savior Jesus Christ, we can have the strength to resist temptation in our daily lives.
Here are five ways on how we can resist temptation, by Union Church of Manila, a Christian Church in Makati.
1. Know Your Weaknesses
To resist temptation, we must first gather an understanding of our own weaknesses by recognizing our source of temptation. The weaknesses of some may be alcohol or drugs. For others, it may be their sexual urges; others still may struggle with indecisiveness or impulsiveness. James 1:14 says that each person is tempted when lured and enticed by his or her “own” desire. It is important that we know the things that entice us and can lure us into sin.
2. Take Preventive Action
Next, it is best to be cautious and take preventive action. For example, if you are attending a get-together or a party where there will be alcohol, you can avoid alcoholic drinks altogether and stick only to non-alcoholic beverages like juice or tea. You could even bring your own beverage as to be proactive and set yourself up well to avoid the temptation.
Another example is if you are looking to purge yourself from too much social media, uninstall apps from your mobile devices. That way, you will help yourself to avoid the temptation – because you will know you will not be able to view the media on your phone.
3. Take Scriptures Into Your Heart
Open your heart to God’s Word to aid resisting temptation. Let the influence of God’s Word overpower that temptation altogether. In Matthew 4:4-7, Jesus answered the devil’s temptations with Scripture. You can do the same thing. Quote Scriptures to yourself and keep these in your heart and on your mind. This way, the devil cannot find a way to taunt you and seduce you in the very places of weaknesses unique to you.
4. Realize that Christ Himself has Overcome Temptations
Remind yourself to realize that Jesus Christ Himself has experienced temptations, and more importantly, He has overcome them. If He has overcome temptations, then He knows what you are going through, and He understands. If He has overcome these temptations, then as a child of God, you can as well. After all, 1 John 4:4 tells us that we are from God, and He who is in us is greater than He who is in the world. Take heart and hope in this great truth.
5. Pray Relentlessly
Lastly, we must pray relentlessly. Matthew 26:41 reminds us to “watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.” We must pray. It is our privilege to pray. We pray that God will lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13) – just as Jesus taught us to do so. Keep up a consistent prayer relationship with God. Prayer will be essential in resisting that temptation, whatever it is that may be thrown your way.
Whatever your temptation may be, you can overcome it through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. These five ways can help you to resist temptation – to prevent it from leading you to sin and heartache. These ways will instead, help your energy and imagination to be redirected unto God and His good and loving purpose for you, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Union Church of Manila, an international Christian church in Makati, offers counseling and prayer support. To learn more, please visit the Prayer and Counseling page.
Here are five ways on how we can resist temptation, by Union Church of Manila, a Christian Church in Makati.
1. Know Your Weaknesses
To resist temptation, we must first gather an understanding of our own weaknesses by recognizing our source of temptation. The weaknesses of some may be alcohol or drugs. For others, it may be their sexual urges; others still may struggle with indecisiveness or impulsiveness. James 1:14 says that each person is tempted when lured and enticed by his or her “own” desire. It is important that we know the things that entice us and can lure us into sin.
2. Take Preventive Action
Next, it is best to be cautious and take preventive action. For example, if you are attending a get-together or a party where there will be alcohol, you can avoid alcoholic drinks altogether and stick only to non-alcoholic beverages like juice or tea. You could even bring your own beverage as to be proactive and set yourself up well to avoid the temptation.
Another example is if you are looking to purge yourself from too much social media, uninstall apps from your mobile devices. That way, you will help yourself to avoid the temptation – because you will know you will not be able to view the media on your phone.
3. Take Scriptures Into Your Heart
Open your heart to God’s Word to aid resisting temptation. Let the influence of God’s Word overpower that temptation altogether. In Matthew 4:4-7, Jesus answered the devil’s temptations with Scripture. You can do the same thing. Quote Scriptures to yourself and keep these in your heart and on your mind. This way, the devil cannot find a way to taunt you and seduce you in the very places of weaknesses unique to you.
4. Realize that Christ Himself has Overcome Temptations
Remind yourself to realize that Jesus Christ Himself has experienced temptations, and more importantly, He has overcome them. If He has overcome temptations, then He knows what you are going through, and He understands. If He has overcome these temptations, then as a child of God, you can as well. After all, 1 John 4:4 tells us that we are from God, and He who is in us is greater than He who is in the world. Take heart and hope in this great truth.
5. Pray Relentlessly
Lastly, we must pray relentlessly. Matthew 26:41 reminds us to “watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.” We must pray. It is our privilege to pray. We pray that God will lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13) – just as Jesus taught us to do so. Keep up a consistent prayer relationship with God. Prayer will be essential in resisting that temptation, whatever it is that may be thrown your way.
Whatever your temptation may be, you can overcome it through Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. These five ways can help you to resist temptation – to prevent it from leading you to sin and heartache. These ways will instead, help your energy and imagination to be redirected unto God and His good and loving purpose for you, on earth, as it is in heaven.
Union Church of Manila, an international Christian church in Makati, offers counseling and prayer support. To learn more, please visit the Prayer and Counseling page.