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Be part of building the Body of Christ

Be part of building the Body of Christ

Be part of building the Body of Christ

Be part of building the Body of Christ

Volunteer at Union Church of Manila!

As we volunteer, we are building a community of disciples of all nations through participating in mentorship, fellowship and service. Every follower of Christ is called to use whatever gift she or he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's Grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10).

Watch the video below to learn more about what it means to volunteer in God’s kingdom.


WATCH THIS UCM Volunteer Appreciation VIDEO


There are a variety of places where you can serve in the church. Browse through the regularly updated volunteer catalog, and the Volunteer Committee can help plug you in.


Ready to serve? Answering this form will help the Volunteer Committee get to know you better and connect you to the right place.

Anything you'd like to know more about?

For any other questions you may check the FAQs. For other concerns you might have, a team of fellow-volunteers in the Volunteer Committee are dedicated to help you.

Feel free to email ivolunteer.ucm@gmail.com