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Care Ministries

The Care Ministries serve the church through prayer support, counseling, visitations, weddings, medical care during church services and events, and funeral support. The ministry also serves the church attendees and visitors through food and beverage preparations and serving during church events and special celebrations.

In this time of the Covid pandemic, the ministry undertakes to compassionately go alongside members and attendees in their time of pain and sorrow and in times of joy as well.

During this period when no face-to-face meetings are taking place, Virtual Visitations are being done as a lifeline between the ministry and the congregation to stay connected.
The Virtual Visitation Team reaches out to those needing care, comfort, or a sense of belonging mainly through video conferencing and phone calls.

Contact: Leslie Pineda
Care Ministries Chair


The Congregational Care Ministry is one of the two major ministries of Care. It is responsible for providing spiritual nurture, emotional encouragement, and emergency physical assistance to UCM members and regular attendees in special sensitive circumstances.


The goal of the Lay Counseling Ministry is to come alongside hurting members and help them cope with their problems.  At the start of the lockdown, all counseling sessions were done online and were kept in the strictest of confidence and held in a safe atmosphere.


The UCM Prayer Chain is a ministry where a group of people constantly pray for those individuals who are in need of prayers. Prayer requests are received and shared via group text message.



In this time of the Covid pandemic, the ministry undertakes to compassionately go alongside members and attendees in their time of pain and sorrow and in times of joy as well.

Grieving the loss of a loved one during the fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic can be
overwhelming. It may be difficult for people to make decisions about how to safely grieve and honor their loved one. In order to meet this need, the ministry assists families with funeral/memorial services requests. Memorial Services are being done virtually via Zoom meet.


GriefShare is a continuing grief recovery program held annually that runs for three months in support of those in and outside the church community who need help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one. The seminars and discussion groups are currently done online.


Recognizing that our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are important in every stage of life,
by God’s grace, we endeavored to break the stigma and fear of the mental health issue.
How? By education and raising awareness to programs designed to support our mental well-being
especially during this trying time. Programs like "UCMinars" and Webinar Modules are done online.


A team of Health Care Providers (i.e. doctors, nurses) provides emergency medical assistance during worship services. They also participate in medical missions, blood drives, and disaster relief.


The ministry pursues the strengthening of the community of cancer overcomers in the church along
with the people who take care of them. It is done through their monthly check-ins during their
regular meeting and intercessory prayers. Once a year, the group holds a seminar with topics ranging
from nutrition, hospice care, etc.
The group meets every 1st Wednesday of the month from 10 am to 11 am.
Liza Manayon
Care Ministry Coordinator

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
Romans 12:10-11


The Hospitality Care Ministry is the second major ministry of the Care Ministries.
It has three areas: Food & Beverage Services, Special Events and Volunteer Servers.

Note: Most UCM Special Events requiring food & beverage service are cancelled due to COVID 19.


Currently assists in the UCM Feed Our Streets Program by procuring goods for the food package
being distributed to beneficiaries.

CARE SPECIAL EVENTS (On-hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic)

The ministry organizes and hosts a church-wide Agape Meal on Maundy Thursday.
A simple meal of soup and bread is served and shared with each other as a faith family.
On sunrise of Easter Sunday, the ministry also hosts a breakfast
for all those who rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

UCM hosts the Ecumenical Thanksgiving dinner on the third Thursday of November, with three churches participating: Union Church of Manila, Holy Trinity Church, and Santuario de San Antonio Church. These three churches take turns every year. The joint thanksgiving service and celebration emphasize the unity of people from different walks of faith, and reaches out not just to the American community, but everyone who would like to observe and celebrate Thanksgiving.

The ministry also helps in celebrating special days like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents’ Day,
 American Independence Day, Chinese New Year, and Philippine Independence Day
 by providing small souvenirs, hall decorations, and special food.
Jojie Atienza
Food & Beverage Specialist

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.
Colossians 3:23