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Job Opportunities 


Union Church is currently looking for an Accounting Clerk.
Interested parties may send their CVs to Dix Roa, Church Administrator.
Email: ucmadmin@unionchurch.ph  
Telephone: 88126062 local 211


Position Title:  Accounting Clerk     Job Class:  II
Reports to:  Accounting Manager

• Holder of a Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Business
• Proficiency in basic computer skills including Word and Excel
• Attention to detail and precision in account reconciliation and report generation
• A commitment to good interpersonal relationships, teamwork, and support of church ministries
• A commitment to confidentiality regarding account records of the church, the staff, and members
• Communicates well in the English language
• A demonstrated Christian faith commitment

General Function:
Assistance to the accounting manager, treasury officer, and accountant

Assistance to the Accounting Manager:
• Prepare and print books of accounts for filing with the BIR
• Perform bank reconciliation with the Treasury Officer and Accountant (4 Peso Bank accounts)
• Monthly:
   - Closing of books
   - Monthly Financial Statement
   - Bank Recon of UCMPFI Dollar accounts (5 FCDU accounts)
• Annual:
  - Provide Year-End Schedules to Auditor
• Attend staff meetings & and daily morning prayer
• Perform other duties that may be assigned from time to time
• Retrieval of files whenever there are inquiries

Assistance to the Treasury Officer:
• If the Treasury Officer is not available, assist & and perform cashiering functions, particularly issuance of receipts, and deposit of funds/collections. This will include deposits of small collections as well. (Preparation of deposit slips, scanning, and encoding of check details)
• Assist in recording for GCash collections
• Checking of attachments/supporting documents of cash advance liquidation reports
• Assist the Treasury Officer in preparing pledge envelopes annually including stamping the control numbers; post and prepare additional pledge envelopes (weekly) for new pledgers
• Assist Property Stock Custodian with the quarterly physical inventory
• Assist the Accounting Manager and Treasury Officer with the preparation of Annual Audit Requirements (scanning, photocopying, locating of files, etc.)

Assistance to the Accountant:
• Records checks & check voucher to logbook before release for payments
• Monitor Check vouchers return and record to logbook
• Printing of employee logs from the biometrics
• Ensuring that the biometrics is accurate and employee logs are properly recorded in real time
• Monitor the DTR (Daily Time Record) of Support Staff for the purpose of perfect attendance
• Prepare DTR  thru biometrics of agency staff (custodial & security) to segregate the overtime and regular hours for payroll and billing purposes
• Assist in quarterly and annual alphalist of suppliers