Lessons in Humility

“Viral.” We all know this word.
In the past, the term was only used to refer to a disease. Now, the term is used to signify popularity. Of course, most people dream of being under the spotlight. One of the most popular ways to do that today is by gathering those precious likes, comments, and shares. Though it feels good to be “liked” or “loved” by our friends for any work of performance we have done well, shouldn't God get the highest credit? After all, our talents and skills come from the Lord. Thus, this reminds us to guard our hearts against the pleasure of boasting in ourselves and learn to stay humble before Him. But how can we stay humble? Let us learn from the experiences of others in Scripture.
1. A King's Experience.
There was a king from the Bible named Herod (Acts 12:19b-23) who was commended by people for being a great man and a great king. However, he died on the spot for not giving glory and honor to God Almighty. He was struck by an angel and eaten by worms. This may be a challenging story to take in, but it reminds us that the Lord's eyes are on all of His creation and His people. He is pleased by those whose faith is in Him, for those who give the utmost honor to Him and not rooted in man's great achievements alone. As it is written, “But He gives us more grace.” That is why Scripture says, “God opposes the proud, but shows grace to the humble” (James 4:6-7).
Let’s make it a point to reflect upon how God helped us through our achievements and strengthened us during our trials and challenges. This way, we end up in awe of His power and majesty, recognizing that we get through our issues only by His help and not by our mere efforts. Let’s not miss the opportunity to point others to the love and greatness of God by giving back the honor that He deserves.
2. Disciples' Experience.
The apostles James and John (Matthew 20:20-28) wanted to be regarded through a high position with the Lord, and yes, literally to sit on the right and left of the Lord's throne. But Jesus left them a very important lesson (Matthew 20:26b-28), "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
What the Lord is saying is that to be great is to be a servant and being a servant means looking beyond the comfort of one's self. Serving others humbles us and teaches us to give more value to others over ourselves, just as Jesus did.
3. Jesus’ Experience.
Jesus did the most humble act to serve the purpose of the Father. He left the comfort of His heavenly home, came down to earth at our level as a man, and lived as one of us.
He came to serve and not to be served (Mark 10:45). During His time in the world, the people expected a glorious Messiah, born from a Monarchial descent. But that was not the Lord's master plan. His plan was to serve and that through His life, the Father's love would be experienced and understood by mankind. Jesus never sought the esteem of men but the will of the Father. Christ himself displayed the perfect example of humility and submission (Luke 22:42) by seeking not his own plan but the good of others and the fulfillment of our heavenly Father's ultimate plan.
Having confidence is good. But it should be confidence not from ourselves but in the grace and strength from Christ. The more we realize that everything we have is a gift from God, the better off we are. How we live this life should, in turn, be a gift back to God, a life that gives the utmost honor and glory to Him. Our life is not our own, and may the Lord find us giving Him glory in whatever we do. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31).
Learn more about our powerful and loving God. Discover the wonders of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to join any of our worship services at Union Church of Manila, a Christian church in Makati - United, Centered, and Maturing in Christ. Visit www.unionchurch.ph to read more. #WeAreUCM
In the past, the term was only used to refer to a disease. Now, the term is used to signify popularity. Of course, most people dream of being under the spotlight. One of the most popular ways to do that today is by gathering those precious likes, comments, and shares. Though it feels good to be “liked” or “loved” by our friends for any work of performance we have done well, shouldn't God get the highest credit? After all, our talents and skills come from the Lord. Thus, this reminds us to guard our hearts against the pleasure of boasting in ourselves and learn to stay humble before Him. But how can we stay humble? Let us learn from the experiences of others in Scripture.
1. A King's Experience.
There was a king from the Bible named Herod (Acts 12:19b-23) who was commended by people for being a great man and a great king. However, he died on the spot for not giving glory and honor to God Almighty. He was struck by an angel and eaten by worms. This may be a challenging story to take in, but it reminds us that the Lord's eyes are on all of His creation and His people. He is pleased by those whose faith is in Him, for those who give the utmost honor to Him and not rooted in man's great achievements alone. As it is written, “But He gives us more grace.” That is why Scripture says, “God opposes the proud, but shows grace to the humble” (James 4:6-7).
Let’s make it a point to reflect upon how God helped us through our achievements and strengthened us during our trials and challenges. This way, we end up in awe of His power and majesty, recognizing that we get through our issues only by His help and not by our mere efforts. Let’s not miss the opportunity to point others to the love and greatness of God by giving back the honor that He deserves.
2. Disciples' Experience.
The apostles James and John (Matthew 20:20-28) wanted to be regarded through a high position with the Lord, and yes, literally to sit on the right and left of the Lord's throne. But Jesus left them a very important lesson (Matthew 20:26b-28), "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
What the Lord is saying is that to be great is to be a servant and being a servant means looking beyond the comfort of one's self. Serving others humbles us and teaches us to give more value to others over ourselves, just as Jesus did.
3. Jesus’ Experience.
Jesus did the most humble act to serve the purpose of the Father. He left the comfort of His heavenly home, came down to earth at our level as a man, and lived as one of us.
He came to serve and not to be served (Mark 10:45). During His time in the world, the people expected a glorious Messiah, born from a Monarchial descent. But that was not the Lord's master plan. His plan was to serve and that through His life, the Father's love would be experienced and understood by mankind. Jesus never sought the esteem of men but the will of the Father. Christ himself displayed the perfect example of humility and submission (Luke 22:42) by seeking not his own plan but the good of others and the fulfillment of our heavenly Father's ultimate plan.
Having confidence is good. But it should be confidence not from ourselves but in the grace and strength from Christ. The more we realize that everything we have is a gift from God, the better off we are. How we live this life should, in turn, be a gift back to God, a life that gives the utmost honor and glory to Him. Our life is not our own, and may the Lord find us giving Him glory in whatever we do. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31).
Learn more about our powerful and loving God. Discover the wonders of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to join any of our worship services at Union Church of Manila, a Christian church in Makati - United, Centered, and Maturing in Christ. Visit www.unionchurch.ph to read more. #WeAreUCM