Finding Healing in Sickness

No matter how good our lives are going, getting sick is inevitable. Whether it be something simple like the common cold or something more serious like a grave illness, we do get them and we have to endure them. If we equip ourselves with the right mindset and, more importantly, turn to our Savior for comfort and strength, that is when we will find healing.
Let’s take a look at these three key points as we try to find healing in sickness, prepared by Union Church of Manila, an international Christian church in Makati.
1. Bring yourself closer to God
Being sick is the perfect time to bring ourselves closer to God. We may not understand why we fall ill, and we may even begin to question the Lord when it gets too hard. We can use this time, however, to reflect and rely on the Lord’s grace and strength. We should be strong in the Lord and in His might (Ephesians 6:10). When we draw near to God, then He promises to draw near to us (James 4:8).
2. Believe in His will and keep the faith
In Isaiah 40:31, it is said that “those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.” Sometimes being sick calls for waiting on the Lord to bring healing, either on this side of heaven or after we pass on. When we wait on the Lord and remain steadfast in Him, this is when we will receive newfound strength—His strength—to make it through the tough times. As the Apostle Paul says, in our weakness, then He is strong.
3. Handle yourself with care
Last but not least, we must all take care of ourselves. Sometimes, we fall ill because we abuse our own bodies—we work too hard or we indulge in things that may be bad for our health. Sometimes, though not always, we are the very reason why we are sick. We should always remember that all of us are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) and therefore, it’s important we handle with care our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits.
Union Church of Manila is a house of prayer for all nations. If you need healing prayer, please call (632) 812-5609 to set an appointment with our prayer ministers or counselors.
Let’s take a look at these three key points as we try to find healing in sickness, prepared by Union Church of Manila, an international Christian church in Makati.
1. Bring yourself closer to God
Being sick is the perfect time to bring ourselves closer to God. We may not understand why we fall ill, and we may even begin to question the Lord when it gets too hard. We can use this time, however, to reflect and rely on the Lord’s grace and strength. We should be strong in the Lord and in His might (Ephesians 6:10). When we draw near to God, then He promises to draw near to us (James 4:8).
2. Believe in His will and keep the faith
In Isaiah 40:31, it is said that “those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.” Sometimes being sick calls for waiting on the Lord to bring healing, either on this side of heaven or after we pass on. When we wait on the Lord and remain steadfast in Him, this is when we will receive newfound strength—His strength—to make it through the tough times. As the Apostle Paul says, in our weakness, then He is strong.
3. Handle yourself with care
Last but not least, we must all take care of ourselves. Sometimes, we fall ill because we abuse our own bodies—we work too hard or we indulge in things that may be bad for our health. Sometimes, though not always, we are the very reason why we are sick. We should always remember that all of us are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) and therefore, it’s important we handle with care our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits.
Union Church of Manila is a house of prayer for all nations. If you need healing prayer, please call (632) 812-5609 to set an appointment with our prayer ministers or counselors.