Good Friends

Friends … they are almost impossible to live without!
There’s no better way to make genuine friendships than by first serving others.
Serve others then watch and see what God will do to bring good friends to you. Get ready! If you serve people with the attitude of Christ, good friendships will come...
“Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
But first, how do we select the people we could be friends with? The Scripture teaches us, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33); this is a clear reminder to exercise wisdom in making choices about the people with which we share our lives. In choosing company in which to surround ourselves, a helpful question to ask is whether the relationships will be a good and Godly influence for us.
The Scripture also teaches us that “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17).
If we want to be good at something we are passionate about, we do well to be around people who will inspire, encourage, and challenge us. This is especially true if we desire to grow in our relationship with God. We need a friend or two that will help us draw close to God and for whom we can help in the same way.
While it is good to have friends from different faiths and walks of life, it is important to have friends ahead of us on the journey of growing in faith that will help us to be sharpened and to be equipped likewise to sharpen others.
Some of us may actually know of people who have strayed in their life and faith, but if the Lord gifted them with a faithful friend who cared enough to give of themselves for the other’s benefit, praise God for that gift.
By the same token, when someone we know stumbles, let us be that good friend who helps them realize God's grace that continuously at work in their life.
To have good friends, let us first be a good friend -- a friend who lives a life of giving of oneself for the benefit of others, as did Christ.
Come to Union Church of Manila for worship, prayer, and reflection. UCM is an international and intergenerational Christian church in Makati. Visit and learn more about its vibrant ministries and community.
There’s no better way to make genuine friendships than by first serving others.
Serve others then watch and see what God will do to bring good friends to you. Get ready! If you serve people with the attitude of Christ, good friendships will come...
“Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
But first, how do we select the people we could be friends with? The Scripture teaches us, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33); this is a clear reminder to exercise wisdom in making choices about the people with which we share our lives. In choosing company in which to surround ourselves, a helpful question to ask is whether the relationships will be a good and Godly influence for us.
The Scripture also teaches us that “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17).
If we want to be good at something we are passionate about, we do well to be around people who will inspire, encourage, and challenge us. This is especially true if we desire to grow in our relationship with God. We need a friend or two that will help us draw close to God and for whom we can help in the same way.
While it is good to have friends from different faiths and walks of life, it is important to have friends ahead of us on the journey of growing in faith that will help us to be sharpened and to be equipped likewise to sharpen others.
Some of us may actually know of people who have strayed in their life and faith, but if the Lord gifted them with a faithful friend who cared enough to give of themselves for the other’s benefit, praise God for that gift.
By the same token, when someone we know stumbles, let us be that good friend who helps them realize God's grace that continuously at work in their life.
To have good friends, let us first be a good friend -- a friend who lives a life of giving of oneself for the benefit of others, as did Christ.
Come to Union Church of Manila for worship, prayer, and reflection. UCM is an international and intergenerational Christian church in Makati. Visit and learn more about its vibrant ministries and community.