The Influencer, The New Face of Media

Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, YouTube channels … all avenues for promotion, profit, and paths to “stardom.” These outlets are available at all times to anyone with access to the internet.
The word "influencer" is now a commonly used term for people who create images and share their experiences, passions, and beliefs. More and more people are hopping into this new trend as it has become a means of social currency in today’s economy, but, much of this influence is only for entertainment and commercial value.
While this is a great opportunity to influence the commercial marketplace, there is also the vast opportunity to influence the economy of God. Some influencers, in various creative ways across channels, are sharing the message of the gospel of Christ.
We could be good stewards of these media outlets today, not to make ourselves popular, but rather to make Christ known to all the world (Colossians 3:23).
Content shared strategically could ultimately lead people to the knowledge of the love of God. By sharing our testimony, our struggles and pain, and the provision given to us by God, we could be a source of understanding and direction for others. It is time to make full use of this opportunity that the Lord has opened up for us to give Him glory and bring others to Christ.
If you have something in mind that could connect to people and make Christ as the center of your message, this is an opportune time in the world for you to share it. If this sharing is not workable for you to do on your own, be encouraged to find others with whom you can collaborate - those who have even just a little experience in this area. Maybe start a Facebook page and share a daily devotion, Scripture passage, or testimonial of your faith; or start a YouTube channel that showcases something you’re passionate about and how that runs parallel or illustrates the teachings of Christ … the sky's the limit!
Be contagious. Be a catalyst - a person who goes against the flow of the world and pushes forth the truth of the Gospel.
Just remember, if you’re thinking of being an influencer, pray about it and prepare for it. Use it for serving God's people and for God's glory.
Let it be all about Jesus and not about you, so that others may be drawn to the Lord’s goodness and life-changing love.
Visit and discover more opportunities to learn more about God’s grace.
Union Church of Manila is a Christian church for all nations located in the heart of the City of Makati. Come for Sunday services: 8:30 AM; 10:30 AM; 12:30 PM.
The word "influencer" is now a commonly used term for people who create images and share their experiences, passions, and beliefs. More and more people are hopping into this new trend as it has become a means of social currency in today’s economy, but, much of this influence is only for entertainment and commercial value.
While this is a great opportunity to influence the commercial marketplace, there is also the vast opportunity to influence the economy of God. Some influencers, in various creative ways across channels, are sharing the message of the gospel of Christ.
We could be good stewards of these media outlets today, not to make ourselves popular, but rather to make Christ known to all the world (Colossians 3:23).
Content shared strategically could ultimately lead people to the knowledge of the love of God. By sharing our testimony, our struggles and pain, and the provision given to us by God, we could be a source of understanding and direction for others. It is time to make full use of this opportunity that the Lord has opened up for us to give Him glory and bring others to Christ.
If you have something in mind that could connect to people and make Christ as the center of your message, this is an opportune time in the world for you to share it. If this sharing is not workable for you to do on your own, be encouraged to find others with whom you can collaborate - those who have even just a little experience in this area. Maybe start a Facebook page and share a daily devotion, Scripture passage, or testimonial of your faith; or start a YouTube channel that showcases something you’re passionate about and how that runs parallel or illustrates the teachings of Christ … the sky's the limit!
Be contagious. Be a catalyst - a person who goes against the flow of the world and pushes forth the truth of the Gospel.
Just remember, if you’re thinking of being an influencer, pray about it and prepare for it. Use it for serving God's people and for God's glory.
Let it be all about Jesus and not about you, so that others may be drawn to the Lord’s goodness and life-changing love.
Visit and discover more opportunities to learn more about God’s grace.
Union Church of Manila is a Christian church for all nations located in the heart of the City of Makati. Come for Sunday services: 8:30 AM; 10:30 AM; 12:30 PM.